Human Wholeness: Jung and Maslow-audio

Type: Media
Price: $40.00


Instructor: J. Pittman McGehee


What is the difference between striving for perfection and moving toward wholeness? Jung understood the developmental process of individuation to include all aspects of one's being. True psychological growth depends on developing a relationship to our bodies, a sound psychological attitude, a healthy social life, and a mature spirituality. When properly viewed, these aspects of the human organism are not separate, but each influence and affect the other. This course looks at these four cornerstones of human existence and how Maslow's hierarchy of human needs also addresses Jung's "process of individuation," or concept of "wholeness."

Recommended reading: The Invisible Church and The Paradox of Love by J. Pittman McGehee.

4 classes, instant access by MP3 download, recorded in the fall of 2013.

J. Pittman McGehee