Growing Down-paperback

Type: Books
Price: $15.95


As with the poems of Donne, Herbert, and Hopkins, the artistic meditations in this collection are first and foremost outstanding poems; next they are lyrical and religious - and much else as well. Some are humorous in a quiet way, others illustrate connections between people and among living creatures. These are poems that will touch you, instruct you without being didactic, charm you into reading the rest of them, and leave you knowing you will return to this volume to read again and again for the wonder and the magic of the words.

J. Pittman McGehee
Neon CRM by Neon One

Our Mission

For more than sixty years, The Jung Center has served as a nonprofit forum for dynamic conversations on a diverse range of psychological, artistic, and spiritual topics. Our mission is to support the development of greater self-awareness, creative expression, and psychological insight—individually, in relationships, and within the community. The Jung Center provides pathways to find deeper meaning in everyday life.

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@ 2023 THE JUNG CENTER This website generously underwritten by a grant from The Elkins Foundation.
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