Finding Jung-hardcover

Type: Books
Price: $29.95


Frank N. McMillan Jr., A Life in Quest of the Lion Frank N. McMillan Jr., a country boy steeped in the traditional culture of rural Texas, was summoned to a life-long quest for meaning by a dream lion he met in the night. On his journey, he followed the lead of the founder of analytical psychology, Carl Jung, and eventually established the world's first professorship to advance the study of that field. McMillan, born and raised on a ranch near Calvert, was an Aggie through and through, with degrees in geology and petroleum engineering. As an adult working near Bay City, Texas, he was lunching in a country cafe when by chance he met abstract expressionist painter Forrest Bess, who was ecstatically waving a letter he had received from Jung himself. The artist's enthusiastic description of Jung as a master psychologist, soul doctor, and healer lead McMillan to the Jung Center in Houston, where he began reading Jung's Collected Works. McMillan frequently said, "Jung saved my life." Finding Jung: Frank N. McMillan Jr., a Life in Quest of the Lion captures McMillan's journey through the words of his own journals and through reflections by his son, Frank III. This is a story that sheds light on the inner workings of the self as well as the Jungian understanding of the Self. In often lyrical language, it gives the human background to a major undertaking in the dissemination of Jungian scholarship and provides a personal account of a life lived in near-mythic dimensions.

This book is part of the Carolyn and Ernest Fay Series in Analytical Psychology.

Frank McMillan
Neon CRM by Neon One

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For more than sixty years, The Jung Center has served as a nonprofit forum for dynamic conversations on a diverse range of psychological, artistic, and spiritual topics. Our mission is to support the development of greater self-awareness, creative expression, and psychological insight—individually, in relationships, and within the community. The Jung Center provides pathways to find deeper meaning in everyday life.

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