Swamplands of the Soul-paperback

Type: Books
Price: $22.00


New Life in Dismal Places

Is the purpose of life to achieve happiness?  Who does not long to arrive some distant day at that sunlit meadow where we may abide in pure contentment?  In reality we know life is not like that; our road is often dreary, the way unclear.  Much of the time we are lost in the dismal states of guilt, grief, betrayal, doubt, depression, anger, terror and the like.  Is this all we can hope for?

Perhaps not, says Hollis.  The Jungian perspective, by encompassing both the meadow and the bog, asserts that the goal of life is not happiness but meaning.  And meaning, though it may not be all sunlight and blossoms, is real.

Swamplands of the Soul explores the quicksands where we have all floundered.  It lights a beacon by showing what they mean in terms of our individual journey and the engendering of soul.  For it is precisely where we encounter the gravitas of life that we also uncover its purpose, its dignity and its deepest meaning.

James Hollis
Neon CRM by Neon One

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For more than sixty years, The Jung Center has served as a nonprofit forum for dynamic conversations on a diverse range of psychological, artistic, and spiritual topics. Our mission is to support the development of greater self-awareness, creative expression, and psychological insight—individually, in relationships, and within the community. The Jung Center provides pathways to find deeper meaning in everyday life.

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