Parable As Parabola-audio

Type: Media
Price: $40.00


Instructor: J. Pittman McGehee


The Symmetry of Truth

How can classic parables reveal the inner world of the psyche?  A symbolic story that seeks to shed a light of truth, a parable is like a prism, in that it can be turned many directions and refract light in different ways.  A parabola is a symmetrical shape formed by a set of points in which each point is equidistant from a fixed line and a focus point - a potent symbol of balance or wholeness.  In this course, reflection is made on parable as parabola, looking at several parables from the viewpoint of depth psychology, including such traditional stories as The Prodigal Son, and parabolic wisdom stories such as Jonah and the Great Fish.

4 classes, instant access by MP3 download, recorded in the spring of 2007.

J. Pittman McGehee