Open Your Mouth: An Exploration of the Mouth, Tongue, Lips, and Jaw (Online)
- $20.00
Tuesday, February 7
6:30 - 8pm
In this Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement workshop, we’ll explore the possibilities inherent in opening the mouth, moving the tongue, forming sounds, and relaxing the jaw.
Easily taken for granted until we experience pain, the mouth is an intricate part of our human experience. Before we’re even born, we begin to move the mouth, perhaps even sucking the thumb. It’s one of the first things that babies explore. Turning to suckle, making noises, bringing the hands to the mouth. For all kinds of reasons, as we get along in life, we also tend to restrict the movements of the mouth, sometimes even clamping it shut. In this Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement workshop, we’ll explore anew the possibilities inherent in opening the mouth, moving the tongue, forming sounds, and relaxing the jaw.
This class is suitable for almost all fitness levels. Willingness to lie on the floor, and an interest in moving more easily are all you need!
This program is being offered ONLINE only. Recordings will be distributed to registrants only, and are not available for individual purchase.
All times are CT. Please contact with any questions.
Please register early. Programs with four or fewer participants are subject to cancellation, 48 hours prior to their start.
Gika Rector has been a fiber artist for more than 20 years. She combines creativity, her education in psychology, and her role as a personal coach and Feldenkrais practitioner to facilitate transformation in individuals and organizations.
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