Cleansing Breath: A Feldenkrais Mini-Retreat (In-Person)
- $75.00
Saturday, Feb 1
12:30 - 4p CT
Expand your capacity and make breathing, and maybe even your life, easier and more efficient.
What does it mean to move from the heart? This Feldenkrais mini-retreat invites you to explore heart-centered movement of the hands and arms. We do amazing things with our hands: give and receive, open and close, hold and let go, create and destroy. What happens when the movements of our hands come from the center – the heart? The muscles that operate our hands and arms are based deep in our chests. Knowing that, experiencing that connection, makes a difference. Our movements can become easier, stronger, and more aligned.
This class is suitable for most fitness levels. Willingness to lie on the floor, and an interest in moving easily are all you need. Please dress for movement.
Gika Rector has been a fiber artist for more than 20 years. She combines creativity her education in psychology and her role as a personal coach and Feldenkrais practitioner to facilitate transformation in individuals and organizations.
This program is being offered IN-PERSON only, and will NOT be recorded.
All times are CT. Please contact with any questions.
Please register early. Programs with four or fewer participants are subject to cancellation, 48 hours prior to their start.
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