Finding Your Footing: A Feldenkrais Mini-Retreat (In-Person)


  • $75.00


Gika Rector
Saturday, June 29
12:30 - 4pm CT

Gently explore how we stand up and move forward – physically and perhaps imaginally.


Feeling stuck? Having a hard time moving your body, much less moving your life? How are your feet? Tired, sore, achey? Do you find yourself looking for the perfect pair of shoes (no matter how ugly) to get you through the day without hurting? Join Gika Rector for a gentle exploration of standing and moving forward – physically and perhaps imaginally. This Feldenkrais mini-retreat focuses on the feet as both a metaphor and as a physical experience to explore how we find easier stability, balance, and movement.

This class is suitable for almost all fitness levels. Willingness to lie on the floor, and an interest in moving more easily are all you need. Please dress comfortably for movement.

Gika Rector has been a fiber artist for more than 20 years. She combines creativity her education in psychology and her role as a personal coach and Feldenkrais practitioner to facilitate transformation in individuals and organizations.

This program is being offered IN-PERSON only, and will NOT be recorded.

All times are CT. Please contact with any questions.

Please register early. Programs with four or fewer participants are subject to cancellation, 48 hours prior to their start.

Neon CRM by Neon One

Our Mission

For more than sixty years, The Jung Center has served as a nonprofit forum for dynamic conversations on a diverse range of psychological, artistic, and spiritual topics. Our mission is to support the development of greater self-awareness, creative expression, and psychological insight—individually, in relationships, and within the community. The Jung Center provides pathways to find deeper meaning in everyday life.

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@ 2023 THE JUNG CENTER This website generously underwritten by a grant from The Elkins Foundation.
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