Opening Reception - Visual Arts Alliance: 40th Juried Open Exhibition


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Join us for the free Artists' Reception for the new exhibit, Visual Arts Alliance: 40th Juried Open Exhibition


On view: April 1 through May 11, 2024.

Artists' Reception: Wednesday, April 10, 2024, 6-8pm

Visual Arts Alliance (VAA) is an educational organization for serious practitioners of the visual arts and interested members of the general public. Founded in Houston, TX in 1981, VAA is an all volunteer-run, 501(c)3, non-profit organization.

VAA produces professionally juried art exhibitions providing opportunities for members and non-members to have their work professionally judged and viewed by the general public. VAA also organizes educational programs including studio, gallery and museum tours in addition to presentations of art-related resources. Recreational programs provide creative and supportive events beneficial to artists. We welcome everyone and their life experiences. Art is universal, and VAA is for all.

Artist’s Talks: Saturday. April 20, 2024, 2-4pm

Visit the VAA website here:

Neon CRM by Neon One

Our Mission

For more than sixty years, The Jung Center has served as a nonprofit forum for dynamic conversations on a diverse range of psychological, artistic, and spiritual topics. Our mission is to support the development of greater self-awareness, creative expression, and psychological insight—individually, in relationships, and within the community. The Jung Center provides pathways to find deeper meaning in everyday life.

Contact us

@ 2023 THE JUNG CENTER This website generously underwritten by a grant from The Elkins Foundation.
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