Healing with Form, Energy, and Light (Hybrid)


  • $145.00


Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Saturday, Mar 9
10am - 5pm CT
Sunday, Mar 10
10am - 3:30pm

Strengthen your connection to the sacred aspect of the natural world.


Strengthen your connection to the sacred aspect of the natural world, and uncover how the five elements – as understood in the traditional Tibetan Bön Bhuddist tradition – relate to the mind, and affect our personality, feelings, thoughts, emotions, and behavior. Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche's book, Healing with Form, Energy and Light, explores the idea of healing as it appears in the sutric, tantric, and djöchen traditions of Bhuddism. In the Tibetan tradition, the five elements of earth, water, fire, air, and space are accessed through the raw powers of nature and ancient Bön practices, and support us in maintaining our well-being and health. Join us for this weekend retreat and learn, through practice and experience, how these five elements relate to our inner senses of support, balance, and ease.

Live audio translation into Spanish & Russian will be available. Check back for additional languages as we near the date of the retreat.

A silent auction benefiting our co-presenters, Ligmincha Texas, will be held Friday and Saturday, with a live auction on Saturday after the teaching.

Fortalezca su conexión con el aspecto sagrado del mundo natural y descubra cómo los cinco elementos, tal como se entienden en la tradición tibetana budista Bön, se relacionan con la mente y afectan nuestra personalidad, sentimientos, pensamientos, emociones y comportamiento. El libro de Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, "Sanación con forma, energía y luz", explora la idea de curación tal como aparece en las tradiciones sútrica, tántrica y dzögchen del budismo. En la tradición tibetana, se accede a los cinco elementos (tierra, agua, fuego, aire y espacio) a través de los poderes puros de la naturaleza y las antiguas prácticas Bön, y nos apoyan en el mantenimiento de nuestro bienestar y salud. Únase a nosotros en este retiro de fin de semana y aprenda, a través de la práctica y la experiencia, cómo estos cinco elementos se relacionan con nuestros sentidos internos de apoyo, equilibrio y tranquilidad.

This program is being offered both IN-PERSON and ONLINE.  Please select how you plan to attend when registering.

Recordings will be distributed to registered participants only, and will not be availble for individual purchase.

All times are CT. Please contact onlinelearning@junghouston.org with any questions.

Please register early. Programs with four or fewer participants are subject to cancellation, 48 hours prior to their start.

Founder and spiritual director of Ligmincha International, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche is a respected and beloved teacher and meditation master in the Bön Buddhist tradition of Tibet. He has students in more than 25 countries, teaches around the world and reaches thousands of students through his online programs. Trained as a Bön monk, Rinpoche now lives as a householder, allowing him to more fully relate to the needs and concerns of his students. Known for the depth of his wisdom and his unshakeable commitment to helping students recognize their true nature, he is the author of many books and online courses.


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For more than sixty years, The Jung Center has served as a nonprofit forum for dynamic conversations on a diverse range of psychological, artistic, and spiritual topics. Our mission is to support the development of greater self-awareness, creative expression, and psychological insight—individually, in relationships, and within the community. The Jung Center provides pathways to find deeper meaning in everyday life.

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@ 2023 THE JUNG CENTER This website generously underwritten by a grant from The Elkins Foundation.
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